Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Korean BBQ and S'mores and Camping with Family and Friends by Brandon Vasquez

It was a bright, breezy day when my friends David, Jonathan, Rachel, Brooklyn, and Joseph came to pick me and my family up to go camping. On the drive to the camping site, some of us rode in an RV (recreational vehicle). As soon as we arrived at the campsite, my friends and I went exploring. We went through branches and thick trees and found out that there was a fence that blocked us from going farther, so we had to go back down to the campsite. We also rode bikes and scooters. We had a race among David, Rachel, Joseph, and me. All of us had to go up and down a hill three times. David won that contest.

After the bike race, we went to a beach nearby that had tons of rocks. When we went into the ocean, the rocks hurt our feet because some were sharp. Then we headed back to the campsite to eat dinner. David’s dad grilled some Korean BBQ, and I ate kalbi, aka, Korean short ribs. Following dinner, we warmed up some s’mores for dessert. First, we toasted marshmallows. Some caught fire, so, we had to blow them out. After we ate s’mores, we played memory games like 3,6,9. The game begins by counting from the number one, and when you get to a number with 3, 6 or 9 you clap instead of saying the number. For example, if it is your turn, instead of saying 33 you clap 2 times. If a player gets the number wrong or doesn’t clap when they’re supposed to, they’re out. Then, we start a new round.

We also played a game where you pick a superhero then you try to memorize each person’s superhero. When someone picks you, you have to say his or her superhero name. I think David won that game.

After we played, we went to sleep. The only bad part of the camping trip was that I didn’t get to sleep with my whole family. My mother slept in our tent with Rachel, Brooklyn, and my little brother Kaeden. I got to sleep in the RV with my dad, David, and Joseph. When David and I woke up, we played with our Ipads. When everyone woke up, we ate Korean noodles or ramen. When we were done with breakfast, we started to pack up all of our stuff for the return trip home. During the drive back home, we played more games in the RV. The camping trip was over when the RV stopped in front of our house. We said goodbye and until next time. Going on this camping trip made me realize how fun it is to enjoy nature with good family and friends. I can’t wait to go on another camping trip with my friends.

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